07 5557 0544 info@kc.org.au

get involved

Living in the Kingdom today

Ready to dive in?

We would love to help you get involved at Kingdom Church. We find that people enjoy their community most when they are involved. At Kingdom, there are THREE main ways to help you take that step. Feel welcome to explore them below.


Lifegroups are a way for you to grow, to learn, to connect and fellowship, and also to explore the gifts that God has placed on your life. You can expect to be encouraged to read the Bible more, explore the Spiritual gifts that God has placed on your life, learn to hear and practice hearing God’s voice.


We believe that giving is a reflection of the generous nature and character of God. As a community, we look for opportunities to give of our finance, our time and talent. Online giving is simple and secure. You can give a single gift or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.


Watch your faith grow as we learn together more about God and about the Bible. As you journey through our foundational courses, your love for Jesus, His people and your own walk of Holiness will increase. Courses are one of the best way to establish spiritual disciplines and also to be involved in helping disciple others.


Start volunteering and see the immediate impact that you can have by serving on one of our teams. We have teams on Sunday, teams mid-week and even missions/outreach teams. Find out how you can have an impact. Discover your own giftings and talents and see how they can be used to serve God.