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See what god will do through you

Did you know that you are an essential part of God’s Kingdom, equipped with Spiritual gifts and talents?

how do i discover my spiritual gifts?

  • Personal reflection: Reflect on this list of biblical spiritual gifts. Which ones stand out to you? Which ones are you good at? Which ones bring you joy?

  • Ask others: Speak with people who know you well and ask what they think your spiritual gifts are.
  • Take the quiz: If you’re unsure where to start, this spiritual gifts test can help. Reflect on the results and talk to others to see if they fit you.
List of spiritual giftstake the quiz


Reflect on the gifts God has given you.

 List your top 3. Submit them below so our team can work with you on how these gifts can be activated. Discover who operates with a similar gift to you and ask them how they use what God has given them.


God gave us spiritual gifts so we could discover the joy that comes when we use them to build His kingdom. Have a go! Like any new skill, it takes time and practice to be good at it. Take every opportunity you can to use your spiritual gifts. You can also use your spiritual gift on the Kingdom Team.

YOUR top 3 Spiritual gifts